Qinza Inter-Disciplinary Artist


Saffron art auction

Please join us for an evening of engaging artwork, enjoyable company, cocktails, and hors d’oeuvres at a silent auction at Saffronart Gallery. After a landmark 15th anniversary in 2012, featuring the retrospective exhibition Her Stories at the Queens Museum of Art. 


Governor Island Exibition

Governor Island: only 100 national and international artists were selected from a pool of huge number of submissions by 4heads team to exhibit their work at Governor Island Art Fair September 2013.



Lines Magazine - Interview

Coming from Pakistan and seeing the world through travel exposed me to a unique mix of eastern and western cultures. This led to conflicting values which I have often done battle with and which, in turn, led me to art. Painting is meditative. It transports me to an unknown, magical place where time stops and the only things that exist are the smell of paint, the movement of the brushes, and the focus of the mind on the canvas creating its own reality. Art and culture combine to become an expression, and if you can visualize your thoughts and feelings you can attempt to articulate them.

The online PDF version is page 6-7